Oma Postcard
Gif Collage & Oma Postcards
For the entirety of our lives we pass through heartbreaking moments that test our belief in life itself. Somehow we need to find our own way to deal with them, how to take these very moments and let them move through us, shaping who we are. Sometimes we HAVE to do this. Memory itself resides within us every day, merging memories, time and exact moments so that we create our own story. A treasure from the past was discovered in one of these very moments – albeit too late - and it can never be truly revealed. The truth would be distorted for others, their minds unable to process it and I didn’t want to distort the moment. I wanted to be there, on a cold day, while she was scratching my back slowly as she always did (still does!), talking the whole afternoon about those moments, her memories, her past… She is still here, physically but her soul, her being, the Oma I know, she is not all here anymore. In an emotional, possibly a childish way (I am her granddaughter after all) I’ve interpreted her past and fused it with my own feelings, my own view, my own imagination, my language, my style. Ultimately, my imagination took me far, far away. By distorting the moments consciously, I intertwined them with my own story, my own wishes and desires. I made these moments in history a part of me. Through this process I have felt more connected to my Oma than ever before. The idea is to bring up as much of the past as I can, but also to share and reveal another hidden space, the one that lives in the depth of our hearts. "What we call the present is given shape by an accumulation of the past."This is a love story celebrating the magical space that a grandmother gifts to her granddaughter, from love to imagination. A tribute to my Oma, from my heart to hers.